Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A little gamey

Anyone watch Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern? The premise of the show is that Andrew visits locales all over the world trying foods that normally wouldn't be eaten by the average tourist. He'll try anything from smoked sheep eyes to putrid mystery meat in eggs to brains to giant worms. It's actually a pretty good show. Shortcake and I have made some observations though. He must have the microphone placed right in his mouth because when he eats something, you can hear every noise he makes. It's kinda gross. To be an accomplished food critic, he's not very good with adjectives. Everything is either "gamey" or "fishy". He also makes the universal nod and "Mmmm" sound with every bite he makes. It's a good show. Check it out.

Bookwormz redesign

I'm redesigning Bookwormz. I'm adding some new features and am looking to complete the project by the end of the month. I have a sample of the new design here. I still have some interface tweaking to do but let me know your thoughts. The right side of the page will list the most recently added stores and some other new features.

Tennis anyone?

So shortcake (my wife) and I took up tennis about a month ago. I've always had an interest in tennis so I asked shortcake and my sister to look for some tennis rackets at some yard sales. They found 4 tennis rackets for $1 each. These rackets were solid wood and made back in the 70's. They still worked so we started playing and playing and playing some more. We're now completely addicted to tennis! So much so that we bought new rackets (Wal-mart for the win), wristbands, etc. I even bought new tennis shoes (not sneakers).

We actually had some comments on our 70's rackets from other players. They were amazed people still played with them. It was like we were still using a rotary telephone.

We are getting better and it's a great form of exercise. Once I lose some more weight, I'll probably join a league. In the meantime, we're looking to take lessons.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

A snotty situation

As one may or may not know, I share a cubicle with another co-worker. I am not very fond of this arrangement because I'm not too big on "sharing". I feel he is always looking at my monitor which irks me. (Mental Note: Make sure to bring up ihatemycoworker.com when he's watching).

One thing that really chaps my hide ("perturbs me" for you northern folk) is the fact he's the Mississippi River of snot. He's always blowing his nose or sniffling. It's an endless supply of snot. The worst part is when I'm eating lunch at my desk and he decides to blow his nose for like 5 minutes. I want to rip his nose off and feed it to the gators.

Hello World!

When learning a new programming language your first program will inevitably be the "Hello World" program. The program is simple. It just prints "Hello World" on your screen. It really makes you feel like a superior programmer.

With that, here is my "Hello World" post. I'm not the best writer in the world but I don't care. I'm just going to post whatever I feel like posting.